Played this back in 2000 and throughout the years off and on.
Tibia has been riddled with botters that destroyed the game. Since then they made it 'Pay to Win' with in store purchases of boosted experience and stat gain consumables. They also made it where people can sell characters using their Tibia coin (like ~$190 for 4,500 TC) currency and let people transfer to different world for a fee. However, they let people directly target these consumer players so think twice before giving them money for their services because the most powerful players and guilds can get world transfer information freely and instantly at any time using websites like TibiaFrags - thus making you a easy target right after touching ground on a new realm. This isn't a rule violation either within the game for people to use these websites and directly target people using their services and they will not make it private information - to help keep everything anonymous. That way if you did get hunted/listed/targeted it would be for a legit reason.