Hate to say this but was expecting a lot more. Am going to lead with the fact that I love Cate B. and Kevin H. They are both extremely talented as is Jamie Lee Curtis but if there was ever a movie that was miscast it was this one. Jack Black voicing of Claptrap was excellent and dare a I say one of the few highlights. Kreig was good too. Tina was middle ground for me. The actress was good but the part was not written true to the game.
Now for specifics:
Cate Blanchett (excuse my spellings but am tired of Google breaking me thought chain lol) as Lilith: I am in the same ballpark as Cate when it comes to age so I don’t feel bad in saying that she was too old for the part of Lilith. It is in no way a slight as she is both a beautiful woman and an incredible actress but she is in her mid-fifties and the real Lilith is much, much younger. It felt very forced. Not only is she punching out bad guys, she is 55 punching out bad guys.
Kevin Hart as Roland: This is another part I don’t like to not like. Kevin Hart is one of the funniest, grounded actors in Hollywood. He normally coats all he touches in gold. He took on a more serious role as the hero Roland. It didn’t work. Kevin Hart is 5’6” and while in good shape he is not heroic in the physical sense. Not that you need to be tall and powerfully built but the Roland from the game is a beast. Where as Cate, albeit not physically fitting the bill as Lilith she did seem comfortable in the part. Kevin Heart never did. It was like he got talked into it and then regretted taking it. The part was never his.
Outside of the two main characters there was nothing to really like or dislike. Turning a video game into a movie is tough stuff as we have seen with movie like Doom and World of Warcraft but even those two were more than a cut above this attempt. It hurt a little to watch such talented people being plugged into parts that were almost impossible to fill given their physical traits. It gave me the feeling like it was done on purpose for a purpose. If the purpose was putting together a movie with parts that didn’t fit then they succeeded.