The Jaclyn Feagin episode was an absolute joke. Sandra — or should I say Senovia Steffey? — had no remorse for her actions, so why should Jaclyn feel remorse for leaving little sigils and jars of dirt outside her home?
I'd be willing to bet that the woman Senovia sent Jesse Jones pictures of did not consent to such a thing. Are we also forgetting that Senovia threatened to kill Jaclyn upon meeting her for the first time?
There are people online saying that Jaclyn is in the wrong for messing with a grieving woman, but I'd like to argue that losing a child does not give anyone the right to be a bully. It's funny how Senovia could dish it out, but when the same energy came back her way, she "needed counseling." She should have gotten counseling long before that because it sounds like she was downright nasty to Jaclyn until she finally snapped and did something petty.
I only wish Jaclyn would have felt the same hatred for Jesse that she felt for Senovia and dealt with this hatred in a healthier way. Texas is a sh*tshow, and this documentary is a sh*tshow for including Jaclyn as one of their stalkers. She did nothing near as heinous and abusive as some of these men did, yet her punishment was far more severe than a lot of theirs.