Spoilers but honestly you aren't missing anything , it's a massive waste of time.
It's so dull, like it's trying too hard to be "An Idiot Abroad".
Ian just comes across as a bullying k**b, while Barry is a perpetually confused and anxious doormat with no real charisma. At one point Ian even abandons Barry (supposedly his friend) in a situation in which he becomes distressed and anxious, repeatedly calling Ian for help while Ian ignores the calls - apparently for laughs?
It could maybe be brushed of as silliness except Barry had a full blown panic attack at an earlier event and even quit for a while, so Ian went into this "prank" knowing how badly he could mess up his friend and still did it anyway...because lol funny I guess.
They're both disrespectful at times (towards different beliefs and religions as well as people being interviewed/tour guides).
The whole thing seems to be nothing more than a childish attack on people who believe in anything like an afterlife, spiritualism, or the paranormal in general. Ian sneers at the idea of "gullible" believers, at one point referring to them as "pr*cks" ("I've got strangers now believing that I AM one of these pr*cks".)
He claims to be a sceptic as though that means he knows everything, has every explanation and is superior because of this, but completely fails to see the arrogance and small mindedness of this. He's a hypocrite, attacking others for their beliefs while at the same time insisting that his beliefs are the only truth.
If he was looking at this from a scientific point of view, he would remain more open minded, knowing that we don't actually understand the minutae of the workings of the universe or human experience and that knowledge is in fact gained by keeping an open mind.
The only real value to this painfully stretched out YouTube vlog is that it provides a small guide to allegedly paranormal spots within the UK, for those who might want to look into the topic themselves.
Don't waste your time watching this, if anything it's background noise while doing house chores.