The show should be named “LANDON AND HOPE’s TOXIC RELATIONSHIP.”
SHORT RANT: okay so first season was quite alright and entertaining and nice. Season 2 was more of the monsters and malivore. Now malivore is no longer a scary monster but rather a joke. Nothing is serious again. The series is more centered around Landon than the actual legacies. Hope, Josie and Lizzie. It’s about Landon running, Landon losing his powers, Landon gaining them back, nothing about hope.
My PLOT: hope and Rafael fall for each other and Landon becomes evil and seeks revenge so he raises malivore then there’s a big fight about how hope refuses to fight Landon and she’d rather let him kill other students and Rafael. DRAMA.
Anyway, it didn’t have to go as I imagined but it could still make sense if there was actual issues rather than josies partners and the stupid monsters that aren’t even monsters. There is nothing exciting about the magic anymore. Clearly being supernatural isn’t unique since Landon is barely supernatural yet still in the center of the whole show.