SPOILER ALERT -I just watched the first two episodes of season 2 and they somehow managed to make it so much worse than season 1, which was absolutely dreadful. They jammed in 3 diverse women to take the place of Samantha and not one of them is interesting or authentic. There are so many disjointed storylines that none of them get full development. Carrie’s brief affair with Franklyn ended as abruptly as her podcast, with she and Franklyn walking in to start their podcast only to find a moving crew there for what was apparently a hostile takeover. I mean, it’s just ridiculous that they’d have no idea this was coming. Then there’s Miranda whose relationship with Che is clumsy, with horridly graphic sex scenes, and extreme narcissism from 2 unlikeable people. There’s a scene where the writers try to humanize Che by showing her having anxiety about her weight, which vanished after a 30 second talk with Miranda and was never discussed again. Then, after Che’s proclamation last year that she’s not a home wrecker, we find out this season that Che has been secretly married to a man. Then there’s the gratuitous scenes with all the kids whom frankly I couldn’t give two cares about. They add nothing to the show.
All in all, those are two hours of my life I’ll never get back. It’s utter garbage. Don’t waste your time. It actually feels like the writers had already gone on strike for this season.