As someone from a podunk town full of similar characters, this seems pretty accurate on the religious themes. I've personally met predatory preachers, zany zealots, regular true believers, naive true believers as well as nonbelievers all at the same potluck supper. The characters are believable as far as their struggles and mannerisms. Some accents seem a little off, but not really far off. It's not the most atrocious depiction of the accents I've witnessed in film.
I like how the characters are all related to each other, the narrator was sort of odd sometimes but about 70% of his narration was needed when switching from storyline to storyline. Some of it was too much, we can see the girl trying to pull the noose off and falling. He could've just stopped at relaying her final thoughts.
I'm fine with the plot. It made sense to me. I see some people not understanding Roy's resurrection scene, but the man was already a little loopy at the start and he had just spent time locked in a closet having fever dreams from a spider bite. Probably thought he heard God tell him to give resurrection a try at some point during. And the dad sacrificing the dog was full PTSD-mode mixed with heavy religious influences (not to mention the alcoholic influences from the prior scene where he got the idea in the first place).
Overall, it was pretty slow paced but hey so is life in a podunk town. I can't be too mad at it. It was still an entertaining movie. I'm not mad at the main character becoming a killer, 3 in 4 of his victims were self defense anyways. The first was retribution and well-deserved on the preacher's part. There were some good one-liners, but maybe that's because I've got a darker sense of humor. This movie had it all for me: darkness, a few chuckles and a guffaw, and a "Hell yeah!" or two, beautiful visuals. Like I said, I can't be mad at it.