I love this show . I don’t believe that Marie was bullied , I just don’t think she was a good fit for this show. I don’t think Sharon osbourne is racist at all. As a matter of fact I think she is quite the opposite. I know in my heart , Sara Gilbert , eve, Aisha Tyler, Julie Chen, Carrie Ann, and even Sheryl would agree with me . Everything people say in the media is not true and we have to recognize this to save the soul of our country and our people . This show is awesome and has had a hiccup . Why r people so ready to cancel . I have been watching since day one and this is the only real dispute I have seen . Damn ! People let it go . It was a very sensitive and uncomfortable conversation that I don’t think anyone was totally prepared for . It brought out some feelings that were also uncomfortable and not prepared for by anyone . This show should go just as before . One of the most inclusive and diverse shows out there . People and the network are taking it too far . I’ve seen much worse on other shows ( the view ) for example . They air the next day and move on . What the hell ? People and cbs - come to your senses and stop blowing this up . All the ladies on this show say “ the show must go on “ . So stop this and allow the show to go on with all the same hosts . Time to put big girl pants on and move on . No one was at fault . Everyone was simply uncomfortable and things moved a lil sideways . Come on now