As a child of 9 in 1976 I started going to calvary chapel.. I loved that they had friday night concerts back in the days.. Chuck Smiths voice is still in my head as I read through the bible .. I remember as a teen we would go surfing in the morning and go to calvary chapel after.. in our surf trunks and thongs.. and we were accepted as we were.. I was too young and just missed Lonnie Frisbee in the movement.. I remember going out to pirates cove and watching all the baptisms.. this was an awesome experience to have learned more of the history.. Praise God that Chuck opened his church and home to this revolution.. Jesus was able to do a mighty work through these men.. all glory be to God... Greg Laurie to me is Chucks mini me.. he reminds me so much of Chuck.. awesome movie.. very eye opening.. lot of perspectives to learn from.. absolutely loved it.. went to see it on my Bday 2/24.. no better birthday present could I ask for.. may this movie help us all to reach this list world in the ways of Jesus love..