I am a long time fan of the game series. I will admit many of them have laughable plots and cheesy acting. I would have though a series about zombies and evil corporations could easily be transferred to film successfully. Still waiting for a good adaption. Every attempt has been terrible and this new Netflix series is no different.
Where do I begin? The main character Jade is the most unlikable protagonist on television. Wesker is poorly miscast. The writing is ridiculous. The characters swear way too much. It comes off as ridiculous and over the top. Almost as though the writers think it gives the character edge but it comes off as silly. The plot is a non-sensible mess with random characters from the game series thrown in to appease fans such as the chainsaw guy with the hood from RE4. Very out of place. One terrible character even says he is the master of unlocking!
I could barely finish the whole season but I powered through. Please only watch this if you are curious how bad it is.