Thought this book was horrible. I gave it the benefit of the doubt by reading it to the end. The main character is a whiny baby. If I had met a 25 year old who acted like Samantha, I would have turned around and walked away because who can stand a constant pity party. Not to mention that the workshop she enters into is a horrible example of creative writing, the narratives her and her “bunny” cohorts follow are all repetitive and derivative. The author uses very lame attempts to create a fast-paced, dramatic story full of twists and mind bending scenes, but really she uses the same writing strategies like repetition and caps lock to create a cheap effect. The while book was a dead end and the main character has no real development. Huge plots in the story are completely ignored like she is possible schitzophrenic considering her best friend Ava was apparently a swan she had re-invisioned as a human with “David Bowie eyes”. Not to mention the Bunnys, who she sadly fell victim to, were clearly drugging her with “tic-tacs” to the point where she forgot about her entire preexisting life for up to two months. I won't even begin to talk about all of the ironies in this book relating to the men in their lives. How they are trying to be anti-patriarchal breakthrough writers, ultimately getting unraveled by men and create personal workshops to summon their dream men who they refer to as drafts. The scary part of this book is supposedly the “draft” men created by sacrificing bunnies, but they barely scratched the surface of creepy.
(harsh, but haven't read In a while and was super underwhelmed by this book :( also excuse grammar)