The show superficially looks and sounds like a water cooler show, and its self-conscious nod to COLUMBO -- especially in the titles and Natasha Lyonne's literal nod in episode six (you'll know it when you see it) -- has been well documented.
But it also has an antecedent in another seventies show, albeit a short-lived but highly influential show, namely, KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER. Why, you say? Other than Lyonne's character's possible supernatural gift of discerning truth from lies, the creative team has grounded POKER FACE in reality, at times a campy, even silly reality, but a reality nonetheless.
Actually, the creators of POKER FACE probably had KOLCHAK in mind when they proposed that Lyonne should run into murder mysteries, the same way that the titular character played by Darren McGavin runs into monsters and other weird beings every week in Chicago.
The appeal of KOLCHAK, monsters aside, was McGavin's quirky, sarcastic, anachronistic reporter in the straw porkpie hat and seersucker suit. McGavin's talent lifted the series above its problematic formula. Perhaps the creative team saw the same possibility with Natasha Lyonne.
Unfortunately, whereas Kolchak's obnoxious nature stirred the ire of those in power, Lyonne's obnoxious nature stems from the actress herself, which permeates the character and weighs her down in terms of strained likability.
That said, POKER FACE demands to be watched. I predict that this series will last a little longer than KOLCHAK, but has already overstayed its welcome.
P.S. THE FUGITIVE formula should have died with THE INCREDIBLE HULK.