It was about everything I hate. Teens who are competitive jerks and snobs. Their Ravens vs Eagles bull was so annoying! Daniel was a main hate source for me through the whole series but granted, in season 3 he does a turn around, sort of, at times. Basically none of the teens were liked at any point by me and the relationships were all forced for teen hormone purposes instead of genuine connections and love. Every couple, I was trying to figure out what they saw in each other, when they hooked up in the first place. It never made sense! The dead mother ends the first season suddenly alive, she ends the 2nd season reunited with her daughter, and she spends the 3rd and 4th seasons being principal? There is no real acknowledgement of her struggles when she should have had plenty! There was too many gaps in characters, storylines, etc. The cliffhangers in later episodes were dumb lol. I'm convinced the writers and editors stopped giving a damn. I only finished the series because I wanted to get it over with lol. But the ending was bull too lol. Spare yourself.