If you're a big fan of playing against bots, instead of competitively against other people, and you also enjoy playing other COD titles with bots then this game is nothing short of finding pure gold, IMO.
Forget the graphics (that was never where this game shined, and doesn't need to anyway)...it's the game play that makes this particular version in the franchise stand out above all others. First of all it has modes that you can play against bots that even in today's most recent versions you can not do, which is great.
But the very best thing about COD Ghosts is that you get to paly the "Unlock Weapons, Attachments and Leveling Up" meta all against the bots...you can level up to 60 and then do it again if you wish as a different character in your squad. As an option, there is also something called "SQUADS" mode that will create an automated playlist of the maps and as you play along from map to map it keeps changing the game mode as well automatically to keep the game play fresh and quite fun as you are leveling up...and it's all done against the bots!
People hated this game, mostly I think because gamers really don't want something new like this, as it means changing the way you're used to playing...and also because the bullet damage is severe and not forgiving..."time to kill" in this version of COD is lower than any other game in the franchise...it is near instant death if you get shot...maybe 2 shots but the guns shoot quite fast so it feels instant especially when playing either online against people or playing against the bots with them turned up.
Quite a few decent maps too. If you like bot-play and leveling up while unlocking stuff, and COD titles that are on the raw side (meaning they won't kiss yer arse) then this should be considered one of the best COD's in the franchise.
I only wish it wasn't so long in the tooth, being 9 years later now, I can't help but wish they'd do a new version of Ghosts and bring all this brilliant bot-play and game modes back to life with fresh graphics, sounds and lovingly hand-made maps.
This game, after release was woefully mis-judged because it might actually be the best one of the bunch...and truly deserves a comeback with a new refreshed version!