first can we all take a moment and tip our hats to the child actresses Akosua Busia and Desreta Jackson who played Celie for them giving the most seat wrenching lump forming performances ever.
I mean I was genuinely moved and very much disgustingly uncomfortable because of how well they played the script.
Steven Spielberg just spilled my guts with all of the emotions, I was mad, sad, disgusted, annoyed, happy, amused and in awe with such amazing characters like Nettie, Shug, Harpo and Sofia Oh my Gosh! Sofia, Sofia, Sofia, Oprah was just incredible playing her.
Further characters such as Albert played by Danny Glover makes me wanna cry fight someone for just bringing up his name, lol I don't even know what that terminology means but hey, that's how I feel right now.
Celie played by Whoopi who which just happens to be her first breakout movie role EVER. I mean talk about starting out with a bang!
Anyways this movie was so well done I'm fully terrified and excited at what emotions the book is gonna elicit when I read,