The movie was great. So why am I rating it 1 star?
Angel Studios, the studio that made this movie, is basically just a cash grab company. The three movies I have seen from them, Sound of Freedom, After Death, and The Shift all have the exact same post credit scene where they ask the audience to buy someone else a ticket so they can see it in the movie theater. This is a good idea for Sound of Freedom to spread awareness on child trafficking... But they've done it for every single movie after the success, and cash flow, from their 'donations' so people could see the movie. The speech at the end is literally recycled. Don't believe me? Go watch all three, it's basically this:
1. Thanks for coming to the movies
2. Gives a oversimplified version of the movie
3. Talks about the good that we feel from it and that...
4. If we want to feel some more good, donate to the company
Honestly, the movies aren't even that bad, though After Death was pretty trash, please stop the cash grab!!!