Warzone Season “1” Black Ops
no “Black Ops” at all… be a speed daemon and breaking cameras to shoot you like a psychopath…. and kids love it!!!
what I've noticed is this game is no longer about being quit and lethal... the faster you run and the faster you dash into people the mora kills u get... it has become a totally different game... so let's play like that… Is basically multiplayer on steroids... Activision "you want to be fast and have good guns? you have to buy multiplayer then play warzone if you want to be any good!"
yesterday i was trying to use marksman rifles and snipers just to be defeated by XM4’s and BO6 and SmG’s and Assault rifles at over100 meters every single time
then i leveled up my xm4 and guess what! i was running and moving faster, getting kills now...
is like playing zombies lol, they just keep coming at you senseless … this game has nothing about stealth nor black ops… is all senseless coming atbyou screaming death and cursing at you… with cheats!