Hai hi, vinay here
I love how movies/ films, have their own language of conveying, but to people who watch and observe sometimes or often forget you watch wat someone else wants to show in his own creativity.
What you see is a masterpiece sculpted by the first person to have an idea.
• Like all corporate office have, man and woman in relation shouldn't work in the same office, due to internal and external matters reflecting in performance and then relations, one if the greatest messages, give by the unspoken silence of workplace.
• forgotten by human beings own basics and roots, every one have their own strength and weaknesses, she got the job, he didn't he, in the world were power and love is divided with time, and with time i mean 9 to 6 power to work, to earn to make further, and 7 to 8 love live eat, sex and sleep.
• people forget, every one forgets, giving some time, understanding, sharing, communication and respect it's important work, emotions and every thing.
I hear woman are bounded thing in the nature emotionally, and I hear men are bounded with strength and aim to solve, I say we all are, luck was strong ambitious wanted to reach the heights wanted to be the alpha, but Emily got it, luck was emotionally distressed and Emily was emotionally accepting and sad for lucks loss, slowly with time things turned around lucks misunderstanding and no proper communication of his feelings and emotions and his actions led this consequences that he lost everything,
I am happy Emily tried her best and tried helping him, yes she did and I hope all only get happiness for all the effort they put for make every thing that's strong stronger.