First off I like LOTR the books the movies even the 70s cartoon pretty much all Tolkien. Months ago I hear theres a show coming i was excited never seen any trailers didn't care who they cast I'm pretty much going in on a open mind, but this show didn't keep to the franchise and what to expect, even the title was misleading Tolkien books start with the title and you know what your in for right away this didn't. The show had good sets the seens were beautiful they did there job but the acting of the main role was terrible she looked angry all the time, the story it self was terrible it was all over the place it didn't feel like there was no hurry to save anything or anyone right away the story was so bad I fell asleep 3 to 4 times just to be refreshed the next day to keep my eyes open to watch it all that's how bad the story was. Hopefully the show will pick up next episodes other wise I wouldn't recommend it to fellow LOTR fans.