I what's going to leave a negative review but I just watched the 5th episode and despite the first three episodes and the fourth except for the very last part being very lackluster and even cringeworthy is some parts, the fifth episode makes up for it all.
it explains why the whole cringe-worthy ego maniacal character that wants to just attack Jedis for no reason. I actually I'm very intrigued by this character and it almost all the way makes up for all of the cringeworthy parts.
I am definitely now a fan and I hope that they don't screw it up after this although I have not been a big fan of Kathleen Kennedy's oversight this one might actually turn out to be good. But I am very used to Kathleen Kennedy screwing it up so that is also something that's keeping me on the edge of my seat lol sometimes watching a dumpster fire is worth watching it but sometimes that dumpster fire turns into a firework show we'll see lol