An original, creative new story at a new time with new characters unburdened by previous movies and series. It’s by no means perfect but this is forgivable for a story as new and complex as this one. A complex series should be expected to take some time to get interesting. Just like a good book, you can’t always expect it to be riveting from page 1.
Its refreshing to watch a story which shows flaws in the jedi and some kindness in the Sith as it makes the Star Wars universe feel more realistic and relatable to the flaws within humanity. Though it was hard watching kind and likable jedi characters with lots of potential get killed off so quickly in a somewhat tragic and seemingly abrupt way it makes sense when you think about it. Is this truer to what would likely hypothetically happen in a universe starting to experience turmoil?
Seeing the main character’s downfall into darkness, influenced by a traumatic past, made possible by a lack of emotional support, almost adverted by a character feeling guilty over his part to play, but his corrective action being too late triggering both of their downfalls, is such a raw story to tell.
I guess that this type of story may not be one that resonates with the mainstream audience, but this does not make it bad. If only people could be more considerate of others experiences of the show before making such strong derogatory comments about the series or its actors or creators to the point of claiming that it is ruining Star Wars. This is akin to denying the right of those that like the show as being worthy of fans of Star Wars and by extension being respected in the real world.
Reading people almost chanting Elon Musk’s comment “go woke, go broke” almost feels like watching a racist rally. Then others saying its not about whether it woke or not, it was its lack of views/popularity that made it bad. This ironically, most of the time, deliberate or not, supports the negative woke comments, as those comments do not acknowledge the ways in which those who relate to the woke aspects are being hurt thereby supporting an environment of oppression.
As the Star Wars universe is for all this means not all stories are going to relate to everyone and therefor be popular. Once you realise this fact and acknowledge that no one has more right to the concept of a Star Wars universe than anyone else other than its creators then you become less judgemental and more accepting. If you want to talk about a hypothetical light side, then this is how it is found. If you want to talk about a rebellion then the Acolyte is a show which supports diversity, freedom and acceptance in the face of oppressive criticism. If you want to talk about a dark side then it’s hateful comments, inaction towards wrongdoing and oppression.
My advice is to watch it ‘to the end if you are keen’ regardless of others’ views with an open mind. If you don’t like it, realise this is ok, maybe this series opened the Star Wars world up to others in a way you are yet to understand. Maybe it opened the Star Wars universe to a friend, a partner, a child, a colleague or someone who is struggling to find their place in this world. Now maybe you might be happier that this series exists even if you still don’t appreciate it.