I LOVE this show. It has me hooked. It was teen drama cheesy at times, but not in a way that was so bad that it felt absolutely unrealistic or like it was written by people who didn’t understand how to write for teens. I cried, I screamed aloud at the TV in a room alone, this is one of the most awesome recently made teen dramas and I am so excited for Season 2 in 2020. Lord Of The Flies meets 21st Century teens is the best way to describe this.
No matter how much madness goes down, Sam is the grounded angel you cannot hate. He is wholesome and I adore him. 😂 I also love that he uses ASL and the show doesn’t make a big song and dance about him being deaf, as many many shows do when they have a disabled or minority character. He has a complete personality, and his being deaf does not define him. It’s incredibly refreshing. Same with other minority characters in the show. It’s wonderful :D