'Bleak House' by Charles Dickens 1853, is one of the most surprisingly optimistic novels I have ever read. Contrasting brightly against the sooty fog, mud and mire of the Chancery Court environment is Esther, who as her name suggests, is literally the 'star' of the novel. Her beautifully simple, insightful and poignant narrations give hope, love and joy to many hopelessly complex and irredeemable situations, all stemming from the inordinately lengthy legal case before the Chancery Court called 'Jarndyce and Jarndyce'.
I read: "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens, Crown Edition, London: Chapman & Hall Ltd., 1896? (with 40 delightful and sometimes haunting illustrations by 'Phiz')
The LibriVox audiobook by Mil Nicholson is a superb reading of Dicken's work.