Mr. Terry L. Cook is one of the last Great Ethical And Honorable Christian Authorities and Warriors for The Kingdom of Jesus Christ. His Truths are based in Factual Research Knowledge, Education, Life Skills and Life Experience and Anointed Calling from Our Heavenly Father God and Lord Jesus Christ, Motivated by his Devoted,Time invested Heart and Love for Jesus Christ and All Mankind. He has Humbly Lived to Serve Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mankind at Great Personal Sacrifice, Selflessness, without any expectation of public, secular credit or desire for His Positive Contributions for Exposing Truth and moving the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Forward to help Mankind and Salvation in Our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are a Truth Seeker and want to know what TIME it is on Planet Earth in The Christian Walk, Buy this Book and any other Book He has written to be Blessed and KNOW the TRUTH. You can also listen to him on Omega Man Radio, Shannon Davis or any Archives on Your Tube , including History Channel. Truly Grateful for Him, His Truths and feel so very Blessed to have been able to Listen to Him and Read This book , as well as his other books, You Tubes, Omega Man Radio, Current and Archives. Praise God for Terry L. Cook. Blessings and Christian Love to ALL. Respectfully, Jennifer Alexander