The drama revolving around this movie should have been between Colleen Hoover and the producers. So many important parts of the book were left out (talk with her mom, the fuzzy picture of her, bringing a date to the party, Atlas coming to her, Atlas being sick, her dad hurting her and her mom in a big fight in the garage, writing to Ellen, flying to Vegas to get married with her mom, Lily telling Atlas about the middle name when she totally could have, Ryle shaking and sobbing and telling Lily she's worth so much many parts that were special left out) and too many unnecessary parts were added in (her coming home after her father's death, ALL of the driving scenes, her planning her sketching up her flower shop, bowling, karaoke, walking Lily home, visiting the father's grave...) Colleen Hoovers book was so much better and was not done justice. It could have been...but the changes they made were stupid and should have been kept to the book like the name of Atlas' restaurant. If anyone should be angry about anything it should have been Colleen. Although I liked Blake Lively as Lily and Justin as Ryle, all the other characters should have been recast with the exception of young Lily and Lily's mom. I DID not imagine Alyssa like that....and shes supposed to love flowers and help Lily while Lily's ankle healed....ugh..I didn't feel all the feels I felt reading the book and I walked away from the movie so annoyed that they made the changes they did because they destroyed so many important parts. Colleen, don't let them change your story if you ever have a chance to make another movie, you're an amazing writer and you told it so much better!!!! Don't let them tell you different.