So far, so good. While it would be impossible to tell the story of this part of the second age without changing a good third or more of the original cast several times over, I'm sure a densified version will still be pretty entertaining.
If the producers wanted to tell the story of this age true to the writings, they would have to span several thousand years and most of the people in play here now would be long gone. Some don't even belong here at all for another thousand years or more. Purists of Tolkien I'm sure will be disappointed.
This doesn't mean that this won't be a good story. One worth telling and still keeping the spirit of the writings in general. The story in itself is nearly impossible to put onto a screen, yet it certainly fits as stunning visual adaptation.
For those willing to accept the huge challenge. I wish you the best of luck.
I do feel like there is some miscasting here. No. Not what you think...
Actors I mean. Some just don't feel right or are just not believable. Taking the Lord of the Rings trilogy into account, you sort of pick up certain mannerisms that you would expect of the characters, only to find them lacking here.
The story is already jumping and skipping around a bit, but this story is complicated. I hope the producers really did their homework.