I was a fan of TWD from the begining. I grow to love the characters, plots and surprises and was excited to always see what was around the corner. But this spin off -DARYL DIXON was the worst. Do the actors have a say in this because they really should be ashamed. The show was boring, no strong characters AT ALL! And no surprises. The show dragged like crazy. No strong Female leads, I mean even the bitch who thought she was EVA PERON....sucked. And damn that kid, who you would think after seeing all the shit around him would understand that it was about surviving and protection and still he was a weak and brought the storyline down.
It's too bad because I really like the character of DARYL DIXON and was truly hoping for a great spin off for him. I'm going to finished the 6 esp. of the first season. And this will be my last time. I AM DONE WITH WATCHING CRAP LIKE THIS.