hated season 3 4 and 5. it was a good show until they added bratty and annoying kids. Finn was so gross and annoying it wanted to make me punch a whole into the wall, I didn't hate destiny as a person, but her character was so unnecessary because it was too much like Emma, Matteo was just Ravi but in jessie version, they turned Ravi from a bright coward, to just a dumb coward. so many stereotypes too, Zuri was the loud and mean black girl who's sassy, Ravi was the smart Asian kid, and horhay was the "fat kid" who ate the most. the Zuri and Ravi one goes for the jessie show too. shouldn't have continued the show if Emma, Ravi, and Zuri weren't gonna be in it. no ones gonna watch that, the only reason the show became popular was because the ross kids were in it. overall it was a huge downgrade then what I came to watch it for.