To start, I found it BEYOND ironic that Harper's Boss was wearing a disposable face mask in the beginning. But it was clearly for the 'stomach bug that was going around', and she didn't want to pass it along to her twins...& not Covid-19. This was after I confirmed the release date of the movie as 2018. I stumbled upon this little nugget of a movie just two weeks ago, after a long day. But with that all of that said, the movie did not bore me in the least bit! It was hilarious, slightly realistic to today's times, & it kind of takes the edge off of a bad day that I may have had, taking me back to when I was 'around that age!' Except I was never sent to Spain for work lol! Harper's friend's, and her romantic escapade reminds me of easier times, and how carefree
I once was myself!
So I gave it a 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
Also, here's to hoping for a second Ibiza movie to see how the outcome of Harper's romance with the DJ ended up, and Diego visiting Nikki in NY! Oh a girl who's pushing 50 can only dream! 😉