The Tingler, 1959, with Vincent Price, looking quite good btw, was interesting, a bit campy and thought provoking. What if fear grows inside us and becomes a strong powerful entity that can literally kill us?
We know stress kills us, wearing our body down, so why not fear, a parasite that feeds off fear of the host and takes over? Price is such a gifted seasoned actor, that he draws us in until we start believing in this logic as ridiculous as it was written.
My 5 stars is for the scientific seriousness of the script ( as it was portrayed)knowing well it was a half baked idea that wasn't written very well, but superbly acted by all cast members.
As instructed by director and Mr.Price..scream, Scream loudly when fearful, so the micro fear doesn't grow into a huge lobster that crushes you on the inside.
Having said that, the B&W film cinematography is always a joy to watch, and Vincent Price as the determined ME experimentor, is enough reason to enjoy a film I never heard of but enjoyed even with the obvious flaws mentioned.
I don't suggest having Lobster while you watch!