No spoiler review:
Whatever you imagined about this movie is true! At the same time, this movie is out of our imagination. Yes, though the sentences seem paradoxical, both it correct for this movie. No matter who much it cost you to watch the movie, it's worth it. This is the best movie in Marvel Cinematic Universe. Important facts of the movie:
1. The runtime is 3 hours, and it is exclusive the end credits.
2. This is not one cinema. There are so many plots in this movie, you can easily make 3-4 movies out of them. Then again, you will never feel the movie is fast paced.
3. If you ever at least loved one marvel movie, this movie will make you cry. You will cry out of happiness and out of grief.
4. There are no end credit scenes.
The one of the beauties of this movie is, even if anyone wanted, they can't give you spoilers about this movie. Because, how many movies will they spoil? Please, watch the movie in 3D. You wouldn't want to miss the world's greatest CGI event so far.