I feel like most people just want to agree with what the masses say, which is that this game sucks. I just don't think that's true at all. I pre ordered the game and have been playing it since the release.
The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is awesome, and the maps are fun. I've played just about every battlefield and I personally like the specialists addition. People want to say how it's "not a true battlefield" with the specialists instead of the older assault, engineer, medic and marksman classes, but nobody said anything when COD let you play as robots and could jetpack around and do a whole bunch of "non traditional" COD things.
Yes it needs more guns, yes it needs more maps, but the bottom line is the gameplay is fun and as "traditional" as any other battlefield game I've played. In a year or so once they've come out with some more content it's gonna be the best installment yet.