Curse of the Malignant is the first part of Silver Thorne Legacy, a Young Adult story about two best friends Haley and Ish who try to save their friend from a dangerous and mysterious valley knows an Malignant Room. Who created this Malignant Room? Any child who returns from this room, returns as someone with curse called Malignancy which will eventually destroy the world as we know it. How can the heroes survive this ordeal. All answers lead up to a single person. This mystery adventure novel by young author Aysha Afreen is a must read for anyone who has enjoyed books such as Hunger Games, Maze Runner. But this story is different in many different ways. The best part if the relation between the main characters, as the author is young, she is actually able to tap into the actual intelligence and tone of teenagers. Its ultimatelty a friendship story and I cant wait to see how Aysha is going to wrap this story in the next part!!!