I am a Star Trek elder, meaning I remember vividly that September 1966 when my 18-year-old self threw myself onto the floor in front of my parents giant console TV. An hour later, I had morphed into a lifelong trekker. I have not loved all the series, Enterprise being particularly unwatchable. But I don't mind revealing that I sobbed like a baby at the series finale of TNG. So, when Discovery aired in 2017, my 70-year-old self threw myself not onto the floor, but a better back recliner to escape into this universe I so loved. Imagine my disappointment and anger when season one unfolded with brutality and gore. I stopped watching it mid-season.
You may wonder why I'm rating Disco five stars. Bear with me. Picard came along. Oh joy, oh rapture! Here was the Trek universe I loved 😍. So, I decided to give Discovery another chance. Yes, the first season was very difficult, but by its end, I was hooked again. Here is a list of everything I love:
-the beautiful rainbow human diversity.
-the miraculous and marvelous evolution of Martin-Green's acting, which in season 3 has become jaw dropping, for example her hysterical high when administered the truth drug and the wicked Michael in the mirror universe. Her facial acting was a thing of joy.
-the micelial spore drive.
-Christopher Pike, Spock.Tilly, Saru.
-GEORGIOU!! What a genius character creation.
-All the emotions. Several reviews seem to hate all the crying! Seriously, what I see is the power of feeling. Rather than weakness the emotion reveals the strength of hearts that love and grieve and reveal that emotional vulnerability is not weakness but the source of sacrifice and courage.
You've taken the best of TOS and built on it, making the formula rich and new and wonderful. Thank you.