I love this game, I've been playing for years, but I got a problem, I lost my steam account no that while ago, the steam name is Mrasplundh, my little brother changed the email to one we lost a year ago, and the password we can't remember, I was so close to getting my first mythical, and I had cosmetics I actually like, but I'm having to restart with a new account called, The Cat Pilot, or TheCatPilot, something along those lines, I made it like 4 weeks ago and lost my "Mrasplundh" account in either December or November 2020, around there, but as long as I get to play Unturned, I'm happy. And I don't think any game can beat this one, the community is perfect, except the Kosers and rulebreakers on Role play servers like the ones on Ack, sometimes Modern Roleplay, but if you're a new player I suggest goin on this server call Maple, or Maplewood, something along those lines, Maplewood is personally my favorite server, my second is Modern Roleplay, Maplewood is a small Canadian server, it is barely recognized, but growing by the day, sometimes wee, alright I'm going to stop my rambling here, have fun Dezians (Survivors).
-The Cat Pilot