In my mid 30s and have played every game in the series near or at release . I am well aware of the source material , cannon and entry’s that got us here . Let me say this game is fantastic and a must play for any horror survival fan or resident evil fan alike .
A lot of the criticism stems around game play time : resident evil games have always been short , especially the originals on PlayStation . This is nothing new , sure 4 - 6 had a bit more length but every other title including the side titles like revelations were short games , they are story driven and linear if you somehow were not aware that’s what you would get I have to assume this is your first game. Resident evil was never open world or 30+ hour games , so don’t buy if that’s what your looking for .
I’ll also address people complaining about the first person view ; if you’d played 7 or read any presser about this product you knew ahead of time and still choose to purchase so I do not see it as a true issue with the game , the REmakes still offer over the shoulder and I recommend you there if that’s more of your speed.
What to love : the story telling is off the charts , the visuals are spectacular , the throwbacks to older additions feel fun , and the obvious take aways from RE4 make the game both nostalgic and fresh , which as a long time player I love . I’d honestly hate to see every game stay the same three it’s anthology and I can very much so say resident evil isn’t doing that .
Open yourself up to the experience and you will fall in love . Expect a RE1 plodding masterpiece you won’t get that here but if you enjoy what 7 brought to the table , and the cannon of RE remains interesting to you there is still something here for the purists of the series , but that’s why it gets 4 and not 5 .
The removal of some of the things that made this game iconic originally will put some people off. Understanding that , I still suggest a playthrew .
On standard it took 13 hours for me to complete
On hardcore it took 14 hours to complete.