I feel being rich, down to earth and really caring for Humans are only Lisa and Adrienne. Camille was initially in season 1 was just a tag wife. Later she mellowed down n was looking n behaving rather positive. I used to like Kyle but after the entire episode..she is really a control freak n very mean n way too aggressive..it comes out very clearly in her personality. Funny part is she thinks she can talk anything to anybody..when she herself is a game player with her own sister. On the other hand Kim is way too boring with her senseless expression n talks. She should have been taken off air long bk. She needs help n treatment badly thats what comes out in the episodes. I enjoy the episode as i enjoy seeing Lisa n Adrienne. They are classy n down to earth. On top they are always focussed on their work which is really motivating.Rest 3 are basically just want to be like rich socialite with fake talks. Taylor has really no work n she is a true bore. Overall the episodes are nice to watch. Kim n Kyle are real wannabes, they love backbiting. After all as a viewer you can write your views here...which i love