God is so merciful that He delivered His son to His wrath so that we, whilst we sinned against Him, through faith in Him, would be saved from experiencing it.
This book first came to my hands in my high school library, and before reading it I was a trying, dedicated, and devout believer in Jesus Christ, the Word of God.
This book at first glance looked skeptical and brought lingering thoughts of false prophecy to my mind. However, in my Christian faith, I was brought briefly into such a true first-hand experience of what Hell must be like, to which I felt utterly sick to the core.
Other than the Holy Bible, this book is one of the best books to bring divine revelation to the world's ears, which has brought me wisdom and understanding. But above all praise to Mary K. Baxter who the LORD must have chosen, I am yet again so thankful to God who died for me, and still loves me when I fail.
Thank you, LORD Jesus, for Your mercy towards me as a sinner and for the fear I have in You which has saved me from Hell. Your death has deliberately led to the billions of souls who will be saved in Your name. Glory be to Emmanuel, God With Us!
Proverbs 9:10 KJV -
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight."