What an awful movie. Of course, someone interested in it today can read the Wiki and be spared the ugliness of the original conception breathing on one for the rest of one's life. This is the story of a sadistic person who, well...read the wiki. The thing I'd like to prove is that art like this is cruel when in fact life itself isn't cruel in the end because there's more to the story of innocent people being murdered in a horrible way, buried alive...there's always more to the story because there is the story of the murderer's life before during and after the crime. Same as well for the victims. The creator of the novel and the movie don't go there because obviously they are primarily interested in a work of emotional exploitation. The complete story would be beyond the imagination of someone who just wants to tell a horrible story. In life, actual things happen for a reason and ultimately there is always resolution. Nobody really gets away with anything in the long run, and nobody suffers such a terrible death without there being a reason going back over lifetimes. Of course if one just wants to tell the story of superficial horrible crime, there's no need to even imagine the rest of the story.