alert. may contain spoilers. DONT READ ANYWAY! IT DIRECTLY CALLS GIRLS BLOUSE-WEARING WEAKLINGS! if i could, i would do -infinity. i cant do that, so 0/infinity. but thats also not possible so 1/5(stands for 0 out of infinity which is really bad)
i am a teenage assistant in my local book club and have decided not to continue this series. recently we had a vote to see if anyone wanted to keep reading. it was an even division. we settled on a debate. here are some reasons to stop.
1. why does everyone admire this book when the plot is not even prominent? no offense really but i feel like the author was trying to make it complicated and new (which is good! dont get me wrong) but it doesnt really make much sense. i mean, he wants gold, but as directly stated in the book artemis could have still made a fortune in fairy technology. why did he not release his holly short when he could have?
2. hostages and abduction. this s really a childrens book? how? holly short is held captive under artemis and butlers forces! in the reviews where it summarised this, it says 'missing' or 'challenging the mud people' but that is just a biased statement to make this book look better. nope not working on me! and why is the only girl the one who is held hostage? that leads to the next reason.
3. gender discrimination????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no! unacceptable. butler says to a group of policemen (why all men?) 'ive no doubt you would have passed as men during the famine (does that mean girls are skinny and not strong?) but i know ur just a bunch of blouse-wearing weaklings. (clothing stereotypes like dresses! and WEAKLINGS? THIS AUTHOR NEEDS TO THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) then butler says a common stereotype again - go to ur mommy/mummy. why is it always mums? are dads the strong bad cops and mums are the ones who stay at the house and never work, all the time? NOOOOOOOOOO. my mom earns way more than my dad - like this: (no true example) my dad earns 40k per week, my mom earns 8850k per day. wow! this book is terrible! and juliet - why is she artemiss moms maid? why not butler? why is artemis, the boy, so smart? why was artemis snr also smart? it doesnt make a single reference to the supposedly nonexistent intelligence of his mother! why does he literally describe her as frail? because girls are weak? I HATE THIS VERY STUPID HURTFUL BOOK! I CONSIDER IT TO BE A FAILURE! IT DIRECTLY CALLS GIRLS WEAKLINGS! I LOATHE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!