This show is by far the worst thing the MCU has ever put out, and She-Hulk herself is its most unlikable protagonist. The CGI is atrocious (that’s on Marvel, not the vfx artists). The jokes are painfully unfunny and there are far too many of them. The writing and character work are horrible and worst of all, this show is extremely misandrist. There’s not a single male portrayed in a positive light- it’s just negative stereotype after negative stereotype. It’s all clearly very intentional, too. It’s such a damn shame cuz after dabbling in the comics, I was looking forward to the show. But whereas the Jen of the comics is effortlessly cool, fun, charismatic, eager to help people and a good cousin/friend- this “Jen” is whiny, arrogant, spoiled, entitled and selfish. She belittles the Hulk, mocks his trauma and picks a fight with him when he’s the only person trying to help her. To top it all off, this show had the most disrespectful and nonsensical scene in any MCU movie/ show: as Hulk was trying to help Jen control her anger, she bragged about how good she was at doing so WHILE actively turning green, and outright declaring that she had it way harder than Bruce (a character whose entire life is defined by tragedy, abuse, isolation and who had spent a good chunk of it learning to control his emotions so people don’t die) simply because she was a woman, who has been “catcalled” and “mansplained”. Which, compare her even to any other female hero in the MCU and her complaining still doesn’t hold up. Black Widow was abducted, tortured, and turned into a human weapon. Valkyrie watched all of her sisters get murdered by Hela. Gamora literally had to grow up with THANOS as a father… The treatment of the Hulk has been on the decline ever since Ragnarok but this is a new low. Just plain garbage.