A definition of woke could be "social concepts forced into art to the detriment of the art form".
Everything is forced. It doesn't fit. It is disruptive because it distracts from immersion. It is comparable to bad special effects in blockbuster movies. If the effect is poor, then it interferes with the immersing effect. It jolts one from the viewing experience into the experience of judging the effect.
It is bad cinema. It is insulting to the art form.
Woke concepts are not being implemented naturally. They are being forced in such great measure that they are disruptive to the viewing experience.
Of course, this poorly animated, poorly voice- acted little project doesn't claim to be 'high ' cinema, but it does deal with characters I hold dear.
This is more woke product. I think the industry has suffered because of this kind of treatment. I believe that film media is in a very subpar place, artistically speaking.
We are not in a classic period for film. The art of our time has been forced into a secondary position to the 'message' of our time.