If you've ever seen a Godzilla movie in your life, aren't completely DEAD inside and still know how to have fun: Ignore the Critics, go see this movie its absolutely awesome. Godzilla has been big in my family for Generations and I've loved him the most since I was 4.
Without spoiling anything, the monsters are both beautiful and terrifying. Big, dumb and fun. And endearing at the same time. The characters were great and felt exactly like they were supposed to be in a Godzilla film. The plot is also what you'd expect from a Godzilla movie. The soundtrack is easily the most CAPTIVATING i have ever heard out of any hollywood production, but this may be because I am a huge fan and can appreciate the choices McCreary and Dougherty made.
Overall this Movie is easily the Best Godzilla movie ever made and possibly the best movie i've seen at all. 200 million into a spectacular production of homage and majesty.
Once again; ignore the loud minority that is the critics. Anybody that goes to a giant monster movie expecting "The Godfather" is clearly not in their right mind.
If you're a normal person who casually sees movies(and or has kids) you'll love Godzilla