I consider myself to have a fair amount of Tolkien knowledge. Ive read the lord of the rings books many times. The Hobbit once or twice, the silmarillian 3 times cover to cover. The children of Hurin, baren and luthien, and I've dipped my toes into the unfinished tales. I'm a Canadian who went solo backpacking in New Zealand 90% because of my love of the movies for Pete sake.
And so far I'm really enjoying the direction the show is going! I began the first episode telling myself "enjoy it for what it is. It's not a word for word rendition, nor has it ever claimed to be, so if it's good, enjoy it. If it sucks, move on because you don't HAVE to watch everything". But I was pleased. Especially when a certain character fell from the sky and I realized who it was. I love that they're taking known Characters who dont have a crazy specific backstory and they're writing one in!
There could be information I'm missing in the unfinished tales but look at the damn title of the book. UNFINISHED. It's bits and scraps of information tolkien hadn't worked into the story, therefore I think it's fair for the show writers to do with that as they wish.
It's only up to episode two, so lots can happen. But so far I really like it and can't wait for next week's episode.
And to be fair there were a few things I didn't like. Like when galadriel is fighting the snow troll. That was a little corny 😅 but hey. It's a prime original. There are going to be scenes you're not in love with. But give the folks a break. I hope we see many MANY more seasons to come!