This is a loosely veiled "woke" show, we have the woman captain, who sacrificed her family so she could go to space, lied to her husband that the powers that be, wanted her to evaluate another capt as she was senior to him being his instructor & she told falsely them he wasn't ready when she'd already cleared for captaincy. When she later speaks to the crew aout Awkwardness, she again lies to the crew and says she never wanted to step in and it was those in charge who put her in that position, displacing the previous capt to 2nd in command. I suppose because I saw the original BSG I'm not so hung up on Katie Sackhoff.
The 2nd in command was a white male and they are obviously not the right subject matter for this show so they kill him off as a traitor.
The AI happens to be a black male, because this is what her sub-conscience can deal with to be an effective avatar apparently. Also the AI doesn't listen to anyone as in follow the chain of command and obviously is in love with the capt. He can fly the ship solo so no real point in a crew.
The Doctor is not even very good as a doctor. The character confused me as I looked at her, she looked strange but I couldn't put my finger on it. She reminded me of Ruby Rose (John Wick 2) & Prince but wasn't 1 of them, then I saw her with 5 o'clock shadow. I checked and lo and behold she was a he, so probably a trans.
We have a Russian engineer but he's more like an apprentice on an important mission, that's right an unqualified engineer who sounds more like an American with a US flag on his arm. (He's Rus-Canadian) even Stargate Atlantis gave different country flag patches.
The next 2nd in command sports a very shaved haircut and wanders around in her underwear a lot.
We even have the obligatory obese person.
There's a few more the boring female senior engineer, the simp computer guy and the only hot woman who can't seem to fix the communication equipment even though it's her job.
The captain's husband is a discount Daniel Radcliffe who doesn't have a spine in his body and panders to his spoilt child's wishes.
So we have a ship that does FTL but has never been anywhere, a crew that is underqualified to even be on the ship, and none of them have ever worked together or know each other as a team. It's a diverse group that is so dramatic no wonder they keep screwing up.
For such a woke group I'm surprised they didn't hire an actual captain, communications officer, engineer and doctor just to conform with the new rules of job appropriation. Oh yeah, they have a female general but none of the crew have an actual rank because ranks were scrapped ten or so years before.
And no one seems to have done any basic astronaut training EVA, and they use AJ's (adjustable spanners) no socket sets plus breaking simple rules of don't open your helmet on a strange hostile planet.