A Superb Movie and easily the best installment of the 4th re-make of this timeless classic. As Bradley Coopers debut as a director he does a stellar job allowing the supporting cast to shine. This 2018 version also has tighter pacing .. telling the story in 135 minutes.Some consider the 1954 version the best of the 4 movies but imagine adding 40 minutes to this movie as it clocked in at 176 minutes ** sighs & yawns **. By far it has the best "Soundtrack and Music" of the 4 movies. The song "Shallow" shortly after the movies release was the #1 selling song on Apple and keep in mind all the song performances in the movie were recorded "LIVE". Bradley Copper not only directed this movie, but learned how to play Guitar, took vocal lessons so there is no 'Fake Playing" or Lip-Synching. Also the backing band in the movie was a real band >> Lucas Nelson's Band (Willie Nelsons Son) and he also contributed in writing the all new original scores for this movie. This version also represents the time period the best & its the most human version of the movie compared to the previous 3 versions.
It also has the best backing story for the male lead (Cooper) as it explains why he resorts to drinking and self destructive behavior. At childbirth his Mom passed away and his father was an abused "absent" drunk and the reason Cooper looks up to his older brother (Sam Elliot) as the one stable person in his life.
A few more tid-bits .. Cooper as director used subtle things in the movie such as a hint of his demise at the movie's ending. When he first pulls Ally (Gaga) up on stage to perform look at the t-shirt she is wearing. Its tightly tied in a noose around her navel.
To sum it up the best movie of 2018 and come Oscar Night this movie will win several awards .. my guess Lady Gaga as best Female Lead .. Best Soundtrack and Music Score .. maybe even best picture of the year.