I'm shocked about all of the good reviews! The show is so superficial, fake, banal and full of clichès, but I pushed through thinking it could not get worse than that... till the drama got real and it's when I fast forwarded to get to the end quickly. No themes have been explored, most of them have been presented and left up in the air (dad against her pursuing Arts; long distance relationships, cultural differences). Even some bit of the storyline totally forgotten (he got mad when dad offered money but then no issue about paying for a million dollar wedding). My bf is a chef, and I'm from Florence (family from Sicily) and we both live abroad so we were actually ready to (force) ourselves to relate to the story (also family dramas) but it was SO SOAPY and CRINGE, honestly.... how do people like it? Plus the last 3 episodes... please... full of medical misinformation I was crying my eyes out... anyway, DO NOT WATCH IT