If you love WWE this game will make you hate them just a little. Their are many problems with this game main one being the controls makes the characters have a mind of their own, and if you play on legendary like I do then just ready for the CPU to just jump you constantly for no reason and literally allow other teams to win, and my faction mode is probably the most stressful mostly because your in 8man tag matches and like I said before just get ready to be jumped and also while getting jumped if you do manage to dodge a attack don’t worry cause they will surround you and soon you will find it impossible to reverse and constantly be in a stunned state, and your stunned state last 3 times longer than the cpu so yea theirs that oh and while you think ok I got it figured out now try the proving grounds in my faction mode your sure to break your controller and lose your voice just yelling at the bugs and glitches and not to mention one match can last from 30 min too an hour almost if your trying to do the objectives and if you do lose you have to start all over again same match it I’ll you complete the objective. So natural gameplay is great but if you love to complete games and unlock trophies and get the full experience then WWE 2K22 is not the game for you. It kills me to post this cause I live and breathe the WWE but this game is rigged I’m sorry and this game is not better than WWE 2K20 at all.