The matchmaking system is abysmal in ranked. I've always more or less avoided it, but whatever changes they've made since season 8 are ridiculous. Plus, the placement system seems to punish you for having not played ranked last season. W straight stomps gets bronze 4 for a s8, s6, S4 silver and then get matched with people who are all LVL 30, most of whome have no idea how to play. Use my normals MMR for christsakes. Also ranked is one of the least fun experiences of all time. Promo series make no sense, and people ffing or trolling affecting your rank is ridiculous. It would be so easy to make ranked not a hellish grind: rank individual stats like DbD, match against only your rank not your MMR, use Elo so literally you face people across all league with similar Elo scores and rank is just roughly based around those Elo scores. Absolutely unplayable at present. I play all my normal games against silvers and do well, then the ranked placement series matched me with irons and says good luck? Riot, ranking systems aren't hard. 100000 games use them. You can remove so much toxicity and tilt by just changing the matchmaking. Further, there's no real way to leave actual impactful feedback. The game should be fun but bogged down by these fatal flaws.