Born in 1988, Zelda: A Link to the Past has always been my #1 favorite game, with other Zelda's, Final Fantasies, etc. sprinkled in there. But Hellblade 2 has finally dethroned Z:ALTTP.
I do get why most people are turned off from this game, but I feel like they are missing the point... The game(s) are 90% about the psychosis part, the rest is story and gameplay. And as someone with mental issues, having a game like this make me feel noticed, included, and appreciates. Having a woman as the main character is great, too, because the don't often get that. So I'm doubly impressed.
I love these games. The fact that a game developer made such high-quality games about a mental illness blows my mind, and I just can't get over it. I am so emotional about these games, and I feel like anyone who legitimately has any form of psychosis would be appreciative of them. They're true art.